Here you will find a lot of information that will help you quickly understand and use the Gleeo Time Tracker Android App and Sync&Team / Web Application.

Main views

Swipe left and right to switch between timeline, recording view and report view.

Jump to a specific date.
Swipe up and down to change the day.
Swipe up and down to change the month.
Select previous or next time entry.
Filter the display of time entries according to various criteria.
Filter the display of time entries e.g. according to element visibility.
Delete selected time entry.
Edit the selected time entry.
Insert a new time entry or pause.
Swipe up and down to see long details text.
Record view
Total times available today. Jump with a touch to the individual entries.
Total current recordings. Jump with a touch to the individual entries.
Edit domain and add projects to the domain.
Edit project and add tasks to the project.
Edit task.
Start and stop recordings.
Edit existing time entries.
The green progress bar shows the current time for this task on this day. The front part runs from 0 to 6 hours. Once 6 hours have been reached, a dot behind it also turns green and the progress starts again at 0. When 24 hours have been reached, the progress bar and the 3 points are completely green.
Edit the current displayed domain. *1
Switch between existing domains. *1
Show hidden or inactive projects and tasks.
Change view mode (all-, favorites- or recently used tasks)
Quick task search
Task sorting / arranging
Add domains, projects or tasks
Optional, replaceable with a domain selection via the display settings.
Report view
Change display mode (hours / minutes, percentage, number of time entries)
Currently visible date range
Select predefined date ranges
Navigate through date ranges
Filter the display of time entries according to various criteria.
Select level (domains / projects / tasks)
Select sorting
Filter the display of time entries e.g. according to element visibility.
Export time data

    Coming soon...

Each time entry can have a free-text. Often you will use such a text in several time entries. Gleeo Time Tracker supports you by this. How exactly and how you enter or change a time entry detail, you can learn in this short tutorial.

Create and change time entry details
With a click on the button with the pen icon you can open the time entry edit dialog, where you can insert the time entry detail text.
In the yellow marked input field, you can enter the time entry detail text. if you change here an existing text, only this time entry is affected of this change. Other time entries which contains the same time entry detail text, are not touched of a change here.
Klick on the "..."-button to select an existing time entry detail. Via this button you can also change a time entry detail text for all time entries.
With a click on a text item you can select an existing time entry detail. You can select an existing time entry detail of another task, project or domain. With the Level-filter on top right you can shrink the selection.
Via the button with the pen symbol you can edit an existing time entry detail.
When you change here a time entry detail text, this change affects all time entry which contains this time entry detail. How many time entries are affected you can see with the yellow marked number.
Filtering by favorite marking
Within the time entry edit dialog you can designate a time entry detail as Favorite or as No Favorite. If you like to reuse a time entry detail, it is recommendet to designate them as als Favorite. If you think you will not reuse this time entry detail, you can designate it as No Favorite. With this approach, you can get a better overview about your existing time entry details and therefore a faster selection of existing time entry details.
In the details dialog you can list all your time entry details. Every time entry detail has a star in front. the star is fullfilled if the time entry detail is designated as Favorite Otherwise, if the time entry detail is designated as No favorite, the star is just outlined.
Tip: With a click on a star in from of a time entry detail, you can change the designation of this time entry detail very fast.
Now, with the Favorite filter, you can make visible the Favorite time entry details only.
Time zone support

The time zone is the deviation from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Note: Because of the daylight saving time, the time zone can change during the course of a year about one hour (e.g.. New York: normal time = UTC+5 / daylight saving time = UTC-4)

For a time entry, beside the start and stop time, also the time zone is stored. With this information, it is possible to display a time entry always in the same manner, independat of the current valid time zone. For example when a time entry was recorded in New York while daylight saving time (UTC-4) from 08:00 AM to 12:00 AM and you are currently in Berlin (UTC+2), this time entry is still displayed with 08:00 AM to 12:00 AM. You can see immediately, what time of day a time entry represents.

Internal Backup

The Gleeo Time Tracker app writes backups, when the Internal backup function is explicitly turned on via the menu → SettingsInternal backup. Following data are written on to the so-called internal SD card.

  • Time entries with domains, projects and tasks
  • Project settings (colors, visibility states, activation state, parallel recording state)
  • Task settings (visibility states, activation state, Sync&Team service: Location capture interval)
  • All settings which are available via the settings menu

The path to the backup directory you select yourself when you enable the Internal backup.

To avoid data loss, beside enabling the Internal backup, it is highly recommended, to use at minimum one of the following actions periodically:

  • Gleeo Time Tracker menu → Manage dataExport time entries
  • Enable the Gleeo option Google Drive upload
  • Copy the backup directory periodically to a PC
  • Use the Sync&Team service (monthly fee)

Internal backup vs. Android function Backup & reset

Android 6.0 and newer offers the function Backup & reset. This function saves app data automatically on Google Drive. For Gleeo, this function is explicitly disabled, because not every Gleeo user like to upload his data to Google Drive. Further more, the Android Backup & restore function makes backups only when some requirements are given (Wifi connection, device is in sleep mode, device is charging). For some users, this requirements might be rarely fulfilled. But Gleeo offers the function Google Drive upload which uploads data from the Internal backup to Google Drive. When this functions are enabled, every time when Gleeo gets closed, a backup is written and given to Google Drive. Once Google Drive is ready to access the service (e.g. by a Wifi connection), the data gets uploaded to Google Drive.

The Android Backup & restore function saves one snapshot. However, the Gleeo Internal backup and Google Drive upload functions save the latest 100 changes.

Why the version 4 - a brief explanation from the developers

After 14 years of constant development of the Gleeo Time Tracker app, and above all of Android itself (our development started with Android 2), we saw no other meaningful alternative than completely rebuild the app. This step will now enable us in the coming years to keep up with the technical and legal developments of Android.

In addition to raising it to a technically up-to-date level, we have incorporated many small improvements. We have adapted the UI to a generally accepted standard, with the intention not to deviate too much from the existing. Nevertheless, using the new version requires a certain amount of time to settling in. We ask for your understanding if we have overlooked or underestimated a function or way of using the old version. In this case, we are grateful for constructive feedback so that we can make improvements if necessary.

New features in version 4
  • Color-Chooser for project colors without a color limitation
  • Reminder-Notification for running task
  • Reminder-Notification for no running task
  • Domain-Navigation support (helpful if you have only a few domains)
  • Day time scale over the whole timeline screen
  • Month overview on timeline screen
  • Easier navigation between days and month
  • Report view with better element name visibility
  • Export of report data in CSV format
  • Task search on record screen with start/stop buttons on search results
  • Start/Stop record via timeline screen
  • Chronologically list of existing time entries on record screen (current day)
  • Filter, to show all hidden projects on record screen
  • Filter, to show all inactive projects on record screen
  • Filter, to show time entries by element names and time entry details on timeline screen
  • Filter, to show time entries by element names and time entry details on report screen
  • Filter link between timeline and report screen
  • Import function for Google Drive backup files directly within the app
  • Parallel recording within a project
  • Optimized for split screen mode
  • Sync&Team: Geofence recording
Open issues

Because the Automagic app is no longer available in Google Play, we decided not to integrate it. However, there seems to be still a great need for it and we will integrate it also in version 4 as soon as possible. In view of the fact that Automagic is no longer being developed, we are aiming for a solution with which, for example, Tasker can also be connected.


The time picker has only one circle when selecting the hours, the 24 hours have an unusual arrangement. This bothers us a lot too, but unfortunately we have no influence on it. This component comes straight from Google's SDK. There are a large number of reports to Google to change this. We hope something will happen there and we will soon be able to incorporate the old form with the two hour circles again.

Good news: It looks like Google has fixed it and it will come with one of the next Flutter SDK updates.
(see Google Bug Report Issue-1450)

Update: We have now found a way to integrate the time picker with the two circles. However, because this time picker is currently only available from Google as an Alpha version, we addet this component as optional. You can enable this option in the Gleeo Time Tracker settings in the area General.... So far everything seems to be going well, we are not aware of any bug issues with it.


The Gleeo Time Tracker app is now available for iOS.